
AUTOR: urednistvo

16. nov. 2010

Ratko Mladić lociran u SAD, Bramerc u Vašingtonu

Novi identitet Mladiću je omogućio da pobedi na izborima za gradonačelnika Noksvila u Tenesiju

BEOGRAD, 16. novembar 2010, (Njuz) – Prema informacijama koje smo dobili iz visokih krugova bezbednosnih agencija Amerike, Ratko Mladić, optuženi za ratne zločine na prostoru BiH, lociran je upravo u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama.
Redakcija Njuza je uspela da stupi u kontakt sa visokorangiranim agentom CIA-e, koji je za javnost želeo da ostane anoniman.

– Mi već dugi niz godina pokušavamo da  lociramo generala Mladića, ali je očigledno da smo sve vreme tražili na pogrešnom mestu.  Sada kada smo ga pronašli on nije dostupan vlastima SAD, u smislu hapšenja. Naime, Ratko Mladić je uspeo da se infiltrira u sistem Sjedinjenih Američkih Država – objašnjava izvor.
Na naše insistiranje da nam objasni kako je moguće da SAD ne može da uhapsi Mladića iako je na njihovoj teritoriji naš sagovornik nam je pojasnio – Prošlog meseca su u Americi održani izbori na više nivoa. General Mladić je pod novim identitetom uspeo da pobedi na izborima za guvernera Tenesija i sada mu je garantovan imunitet, bar narednih 4 godine, koliko traje mandat – uzbuđeno nam saopštava izvor.
Prema informacijama kojima raspolaže CIA, Ratko Mladić je 2000. godine uspeo da se dokopa Južne Afrike. Tamo je proveo izmedju šest meseci i godinu dana, gde se podvrgao velikom broju plastičnih operacija. Uspeo je da promeni celokupan fizički  izgled. Za to vreme je dobio južnoafričko državljanstvo kao i novo ime, Bil Haslam.

Sa tim identitetom odlazi u SAD i na, za sada, neobjašnjiv način početkom 2001. godine dobija državljanstvo Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Postaje član Republikanske partije i već 2007. godine postaje gradonačelnik Noksvila u Tenesiju.

– Tada smo posumnjali prvi put – nastavlja naš izvor. – Jedan od prvih ukaza mu je bio zatvaranje prodavnica tufahija i leblebija u Grand Hall Shopping Mall-u zbog sanitarnih razloga, dizanje pravoslavne crkve grandioznih razmera za registrovanih 8 vernika u toj parohiji i zabrana okupljanja više od troje ljudi sa bradama na javnom mestu. Operativna obrada nije mogla da usledi jer je posle gostovanja na emisiji Bila O'Rajlija postao zvezda među pristalicama tvrdokorne grane republikanaca, takozvanih čajdžija (Tea Party).

Obzirom da je 2010. godina, prva u kojoj on ostvaruje pravo da se kandiduje za guvernera, jer je uslov za to minimum 9 godina državljanstva, Haslam, tj. Mladić, se kandiduje i pobeđuje u Tenesiju na platformi borbe protiv izgradnje džamije blizu nekadašnjeg Trgovinskog centra u Njujorku kojeg su teroristi uništili 11. septembra 2001. godine.
Poslednje pitanje koje smo postavili našem sagovorniku, visokorangiranom agentu CIA-e, je da li će ovo uticati da se prestane sa pritiskom na Srbiju u vezi sa hapšenjem Mladića. On nam je odgovorio da ne veruje da će vlasti SAD dozvoliti da se američke  bezbednosne agencije  opet kompromituju, jer su suviše kasno došle do ovih saznanja. On kaže – Vlada SAD će pokušati da zataška ovaj slučaj, par mojih kolega i ja pokušavamo da slučaj dovdemo u javnost jer mislimo da je nepravdno da zbog greške naših agencija odgovonost snosi osam miliona građana Srbije – iskren je naš izvor.

Kada smo ova saznanja izložili predstavniku za štampu haškog tribunala, nismo dobili nikakav komentar ali smo saznali da je sledeća destinacija glavnog tužioca Serža Bramerca, Vašington. Iz krugova bliskog tužilaštvu dobili smo informaciju da će ovaj preokret svakako negativno uticati na šanse SAD da uđe u Evropsku Uniju.

Goran Perišić

  1. Vlada kaže:

    Kako to dobro zvuči.

  2. Gocili kaže:

    Da li to znači da će CIA da dobije 10 000 000 € od Srbije??
    E tako nam i treba, ko nas je terao da podižemo nagradu!!

    1. Cile kaže:

      Ma koje gluposti! Da nije on u stvari Hilari Klinton?

    2. angelika kaže:

      Da dobro zvuci!!! Samo jos da je istina!!!!
      Bas po meri!!! Kako bi dobro bilo!

    3. mara kaže:

      pa kad smo glupavi skroz ! ode im milionce za Kovacevica, sad ovih 10…nemam reci !

  3. SVR kaže:

    Cuo sam da snima reklame za Uniliver.
    Bice promoter za njihov najpoznatiji proizvod – Vaseline.
    Uz slogan -“Uhvatite me ……”

  4. jill starr kaže:

    What It’s Like to Chill Out With Whom the Rest of the World Considers As The Most Ruthless Men: Ratko Mladic, Goran Hadzic and Radovan Karadzic (+) Confessions of a Female War Crimes Investigator By Jill Louise Starr NJ USA


    Retrospectively, it was all so simple, natural and matter of fact being on a boat restaurant in Belgrade, sitting with, laughing, drinking a two hundred bottle of wine and chatting about war and peace while Ratko Mladic held my hand. Mladic, a man considered the world’s most ruthless war criminal since Adolf Hitler, still at large and currently having a five million dollar bounty on his head for genocide by the international community. Yet there I was with my two best friends at the time, a former Serbian diplomat, his wife, and Ratko Mladic just chilling. There was no security, nothing you’d ordinarily expect in such circumstances. Referring to himself merely as, Sharko; this is the story of it all came about.

    Irrefutable Proof ICTY Is Corrupt Court/Irrefutable Proof the Hague Court Cannot Legitimately Prosecute Karadzic Case By Jill Starr

    (The Documentary Secret United Nations ICC Meeting Papers Scanned Images)


    This legal technicality indicates the Hague must dismiss charges against Dr Karadzic and others awaiting trials in the Hague jail; like it or not.

    Unfortunately for the Signatures Of the Rome Statute United Nations member states instituting the ICC & ICTY housed at the Hague, insofar as the, Radovan Karadzic, as with the other Hague cases awaiting trial there, I personally witnessed these United Nations member states having a substantial conversations, and, openly speaking about trading judicial appointments and verdicts for financial funding when I attended the 2001 ICC Preparatory Meetings at the UN in Manhattan making the iCTY and ICC morally incapable trying Radovan Karazdic and others.

    I witnessed with my own eyes and ears when attending the 2001 Preparatory Meetings to establish an newly emergent International Criminal Court, the exact caliber of criminal corruption running so very deeply at the Hague, that it was a perfectly viable topic of legitimate conversation in those meetings I attended to debate trading verdicts AND judicial appointments, for monetary funding.

    Jilly wrote:*The rep from Spain became distraught and when her country’s proposal was not taken to well by the chair of the meeting , then Spain argued in a particularly loud and noticably strongly vocal manner, “Spain (my country) strongly believes if we contribute most financial support to the Hague’s highest court, that ought to give us and other countries feeding it financially MORE direct power over its decisions.”

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((( Instead of censoring the country representative from Spain for even bringing up this unjust, illegal and unfair judicial idea of bribery for international judicial verdicts and judicial appointments, all country representatives present in the meeting that day all treated the Spain proposition as a ”totally legitimate topic” discussed and debated it between each other for some time. I was quite shocked! The idea was “let’s discuss it.” “It’s a great topic to discuss.”

    Some countries agreed with Spain’s propositions while others did not. The point here is, bribery for judicial verdicts and judicial appointments was treated as a totally legitimate topic instead of an illegitimate topic which it is in the meeting that I attended in 2001 that day to establish the ground work for a newly emergent international criminal court.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    In particular., since “Spain” was so overtly unafraid in bringing up this topic of trading financial funding the ICC for influence over its future judicial appointments and verdicts in front of every other UN member state present that day at the UN, “Spain” must have already known by previous experience the topic of bribery was “socially acceptable” for conversation that day. They must have previously spoke about bribing the ICTY and ICC before in meetings; this is my take an international sociological honor student.

    SPAIN’s diplomatic gesture of international justice insofar as, Serbia, in all of this is, disgusting morally! SPAIN HAS TAUGHT THE WORLD THE TRUE DEFINITION OF AN “INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT.”

    I represented the state interests’ of the Former Yugoslavia, in Diplomat Darko Trifunovic’s absence in those meetings and I am proud to undertake this effort on Serbia’s behalf.


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